In the footsteps of Fothergill

There is a beautiful school hidden in a little West Yorkshire village. It was founded over 200 years ago by John Fothergill.

I am now declaring my hand for all to see. It is due to the inspirational work of Fothergill that I feel capable of embarking on the following journey.

In education we are often at the mercy of too many unnecessary outside influences that stop us educating those entrusted to us. As such I am planning on opening my own school in 5 years time. It will be a school independent of all the unnecessary trappings of our current school system. I plan to develop a curriculum for the school over the next 3 years. It will be based on the works of John Hattie (Visible Learning) and will be a totally evidence based system.

I have used evidence-based teaching over the last year and find that the methodology suits my style of thinking and teaching. The pupils have certainly benefited from it, which gives me confidence to pursue my goal even more strongly. As a critical thinker I am able to reflect on what is and isn't effective in the classroom. This comes from years of being an empathetic teacher where I have found no greater joy than enjoying the shared struggles and achievements of my pupils. This sharing of learning is something that I want to enjoy more and more. Whilst I am leaving the classroom as a teacher at the end of this academic year I will be embarking on a new career as a Visible Learning Consultant. I'm sure that working at such a strategically important level will give me the insight into what is required to create a school that works best for all it's people.

So I've said it. I'm not an inert moaner who complains but does nothing. I'm not a silent sufferer who neither moans nor attempts to improve things. I'm not going to try to fight against colleagues who have a different flavour of education to offer the school management.

Instead I'm going to develop a school that looks at what works, and then implements it. I'm going to declare no more. My detractors will readily pull apart my intentions line by line. Those with an interest will see the development over the next 60 months.

Some things are already in place.

A broad education for a broad mind.
